A Statement in Remembrance of Michael Israel - Democratic Socialists of America, Sacramento
Nov 25, 2017
November 25, 2017 22:22
Today, like many days, we remember Michael Israel- our fallen comrade and former co-chair of the Sacramento chapter of the Democratic Socialists
On Nov. 24, 2016 Michael was killed by the Turkish government while fighting for the YPG in Rojava. Michael was the co-chair of our chapter from 2013-2014. He was instrumental to rebuilding this chapter; radicalizing everybody that his life had touched. But he didn’t live to see the growth of the organization that he helped lay the foundation for. Today, many of our members never got the opportunity to know Michael, but whether we knew him directly or through the retelling of his story, he will always be our comrade.
While in Rojava, Michael wrote in August of 2016, “The Rojava struggle is the most dynamic and groundbreaking revolutionary movement of our time. I am determined that it is the job
of leftist allies and internationalists to rally behind this movement, to help build it up and learn from it…I’m calling on all of my friends and comrades to learn about the Rojava revolution and how they have been leading the charge in the war against ISIS fascists.” Earlier this year, members of our chapter formed a Rojava Solidarity Committee to study and promote a popular understanding of the region’s history, and to support the people of Rojava and international volunteers in the region however we can.
Old and new DSA members alike carry on his legacy by organizing, striking, protesting, and building working class power as he would have done so vigorously, if he were still here. And so we must and will continue to fight for the ideals that Michael lived and died for- against capitalism and imperialism, for democratic socialism, and for a society free of sexism, racism, poverty, and fascism.
Biji Rojava!
Biji YPJ!
Biji YPG!
Biji Michael Israel!