International Committee Mission Statement - Democratic Socialists of America, Sacramento
Jan 6, 2019
January 07, 2019 00:26
At a recent meeting, the International Committee of the Sacramento DSA voted to ratify their new mission statement. The statement can be read below. If you are interested in the committee, learn more and join here.
While living in the United States and acknowledging it as the most powerful imperialist hegemon on earth, the International Solidarity Committee of Sacramento DSA understands the necessity of linking struggles of the U.S. working class with those who struggle against imperialism and the military-corporate complexes that benefit capitalists across the globe. This committee takes an explicit stance against oppressive state violence, including both police and military actions. The mission of this committee shall henceforth be; 1. to promote education about international issues, 2. to express solidarity and support with international working class and anti-colonial struggles for self-determination abroad, and 3. to reject imperialism in all its forms as a barrier to the advancement of socialism.
1. To promote education about international issues
This committee will connect the local to the international through both internal education of our members and public events. Such education will be focused on DSA’s stance on international issues, which will be in line with the local chapter and the national organization. For example, we publicly support the people of Rojava as a local chapter while also supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement’s call for Palestinian rights and opposition to the war in Yemen, as are the national stances of DSA. This committee takes the stance that emphasizes human rights and will seek to have educational meetings, support sessions for those affected by imperialism, and hold forums to educate both the public and our membership on DSA’s international stances.
2. To express solidarity and support with international working class and anti-colonial struggles for self-determination abroad.
This committee stands against isolationism and acknowledges that we are a global system and that our liberation is linked together. The emphasis of this committee is on solidarity and support, not interventionism. Solidarity is an obligation, not an act of charity. This committee will focus on elevating the fighters and organizers of international liberation movements and work to draw attention to the efforts of these comrades.
3. To reject imperialism in all its forms as a barrier to the advancement of socialism
This committee is dedicated to a form of internationalism that emphasizes the liberation of the global working class and those subjected to colonial rule. We reject imperialism in all its forms. Our vision is a world without borders where all humans have the right to self-determination and access to both the necessities and niceties of life – in short, an international socialist commonwealth for all of humanity.
Such is and shall be the purpose, actions, and mission of the International Solidarity Committee of DSA Sacramento.
This committee was created in the loving memory of Michael Israel.